Friday, October 3, 2014

Internal synchronization of carbon kernel (Holding transports until the kernel get ready)

Starting up sequence of internal components of the carbon kernel is crucial for the kernel to operate  properly. Most importantly kernel should not start accepting external messages until it is ready to process messages. So it is needed to delay the activation of transports until the kernel is ready. Carbon kernel is made up of OSGi based components. According to the OSGi  standards there is no definite order in which the bundles get activated.

To overcome the this sequencing problem, In carbon kernel there is special component which handles this synchronization. ‘StartupFinalizerServiceComponent’ an OSGi component, which delays the activation of transports.

If all the required services are ready by the bundle activation time, then the ‘StartupFinalizerServiceComponent’ call the ‘completeInitialization()’ method which performs the initialization of transports. But if the required services are not available at the bundle activation time, transports will not get activated. And it will wait until the required services are available.

‘StartupFinalizerServiceComponent’ is a ServiceListener. Each time a service change happens serviceChanged() method is called, and this will check for the required service list. Once all the required services are available, it calls the ‘completeInitialization()’ and activate the transports.

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